Last week Ashley and I had a particularly busy day full of client meetings for our 9-5. (Yes, we work together in real life and internet life.) It was one of those days where you're running all over the place, but still have to look good when you get where you're going. We figured since we were out and about and all dressed up, we'd stop after our last meeting and snap a few outfit photos for the ol blog. Here's what we wore.
On Ashley
Blouse • Calvin Klein
Pants • Loft
Glasses • Warby Parker
Watch • Withings Active Pop
Belt • Target
Shoes • Gap
On Dawn
Hat • World Market
Dress • Old Navy
Shoes • Rachel Comey
Necklace 1 • Stella & Dot
Necklace 2 • Rockstar Goddess
One benefit of working in a creative field is the dress code, or rather the lack thereof. So usually we're jeans clad. We do, however try to get cleaned up a bit for client meeting days.
I'm partial to dresses for meeting days. Especially in the summer time when it's blazing hot and humid here in Nebraska. I especially like lightweight cotton dresses that are easy and comfortable, like this cotton ribbed tank dress. It can be dressed up or down and is the easiest thing to wear ever.
Ashley, on the other hand, isn't a dress kind of girl. But she summered up her fun patterned slacks with a sleeveless bright pink button up that was perfect for the hot day.

Even though our 'dressy' outfits are usually a bit different, one thing we both agree on is comfort. If Ashley can't sit criss-cross-applesauce I think she'd lose her mind, and while I love a good heal as much as the next girl, beautiful and comfortable flats are where it's at. Especially on days like this one where I'm running around a lot. I picked up these Rachel Comey Black Leather Fero Sandals for a song on Ebay and they're my new favorite thing. Perfect with jeans or dresses and so comfortable too.

So that's what we wore to work meetings in all this heat. Hoping for a cool down soon but until then, we'll just keep shooting for comfort!