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Halloween is probably my favorite holiday of the year. I LOVE putting together my
kids costumes, and every year I put a lot of time and effort into making them just right. That being said, I've never been great at actually decorating the house for Halloween. It always kind of sneaks up on me, and then I realize it's the end of October and it seems like a waste of effort to get out the decor, just to pack it all back up in a few days.
When my oldest was little, that wasn't an issue, because no one really cared. Now that she's six going on sixteen, she has an opinion about everything, and this year she was emphatic that we needed to carve pumpkins for the porch. Since the youngest is three though, this was not something I was super into. In the first place, it's messy. Plus I didn't want the little one to feel left out, but there is no way she's getting to hold a carving knife. Duh. So instead, I came up with a pumpkin decorating compromise that we were all happy with: DIY colorful wax pumpkins.
How to make your own DIY Colorful Wax Pumpkins:
List of supplies you'll need to get started:
The first thing we did was gather up all the old, broken crayons we had lying around. Did I mention this is a great way to clean out the crayon bin? I had the girls take all the wrappers off any broken pieces, while I prepped the counter by laying out a large piece of tin foil, and wiped down the pumpkins, making sure to get all the lingering dirt off of them.

Since our pumpkins were pretty large, and I knew we wouldn't have enough
patience crayons to cover the whole gourd, I brought out a white paint pen and added a little extra decor to the front of each pumpkin. This step is obviously optional, based on the amount of patience and/or crayons you have at the ready.

Next, I brought out the glue gun and helped each girl glue crayons to the top of her pumpkin. They loved picking out the colors and putting them in the order they wanted!

Finally, and this is the fun part, I used my heat gun to melt the crayons. As they started melting, we continued carefully adding more colors on top (the new crayons stick to the melty wax), with the girls pointing to where they wanted them, and me placing and melting. Note: heat guns get hot. As if that weren't obvious from the name. Don't let your kids put their little fingers near them.

Watching the colors melt and pool into each other is actually really soothing and so much easier on the arms than carving. The tin foil kept the melting wax from dripping onto the counters, and made clean up a breeze too.
The best part though, was that it was a Halloween craft we could all do together, and we all love the bright, rainbow DIY colorful wax pumpkins on our porch now.

Even Lucious ,the cat, and Carl, the skeleton, are in awe of our colorful creations.

So that was my last-minute kid-friendly Halloween decor. I'm still finishing up some details on this year's costumes, but plan to share those in a post very soon! Do you go all out for Halloween??
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