Hey lovely readers! Ashley here with your FREE desktop downloads for May. If you're new here, you should know that each month Dawn and I pick a theme in order to bring you two original desktop wallpaper designs. You can download them and use them to dress up your phone and/or computer to fit your mood or the season.
[x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: Coffee[/x_custom_headline]
It's no secret that creative types love their coffee. And, Dawn and I are certainly no exception to the rule. Coffee is pretty much the life blood that keeps our creative brains flowing, giving us the energy to get through the work day and continue plugging away at our little side gig well into the evening. So, this month we decided to honor that magical creative juice with some coffee themed wallpapers. Enjoy!
Coffee by Ashley
[download id="3903"][download id="3889"]

Coffee by Dawn
[download id="3884"][download id="3887"]
While visually very different, our designs did take on a similar sentiment this month: morning people, we are not. I think we can all agree with Chief Hopper from Netflix's
Stranger Things (anxiously awaiting season two, btw!), and his memorable mantra of "mornings are for coffee and contemplation", and please don't try to speak to me before my first cup of the day. Be sure to share with others you know who feel the same! If you enjoy switching out your wallpapers as much as we do, there's plenty more to pick from. We do this each month, and you can
find them all here. We're always looking for fun theme ideas to use in the upcoming months, so if you have a theme you'd like to see, be sure to let us know in the comments!
Also, to all of our fellow java junkies, be sure to check out all of our coffee related gear in our
shop! My favorite is this
creative lifecycle mug – it's great for sipping your morning joe.

PS- Are you following us yet? Click over to
Instagram or
Facebook for in-between-post updates and behind the scenes stuff. ;)
Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic.