Hey friends! Ashley here with June's FREE desktop and phone wallpapers. Yay!
If you're joining us for the first time, you should know that each month Dawn and I pick a theme in order to bring you two original desktop wallpaper designs. You can then download them and dress up your phone and/or computer to fit your mood or the season. Check out all of our previous designs
[x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: Pride[/x_custom_headline]
June is Pride month, a month near and dear to my heart, so it seemed only fitting that we join in on the festivities. So, we're here today to celebrate LGBTQ Pride with bright and colorful desktop wallpapers! Fun, right?! Before we get to that though, I'm going to get a little personal. Feel free to skip ahead if you're just here for the freebies.
Growing up in a semi small town (population 30,000) in the middle of Nebraska, Pride parades were a mythological thing that I only read about on the internet. I think I first heard about them in my early 20s when I was a baby lesbian tentatively figuring out my sexuality through reading blogs and talking to people in larger cities via MySpace. I was deeply closeted, despite having a handful of gay friends in town— thus causing the concept of being surrounded by hundreds to thousands of other individuals like me to be completely unfathomable.
The summer before my senior year of college, I took a trip to Omaha (the "big city") with my mom and aunts during the month of June. It just so happened that we arrived in the Old Market (Omaha's popular historic neighborhood) for our shopping adventure right as the annual Pride parade was beginning. I vividly remember desperately wanting to run over to the parade route for just one glimpse of what was going on. However, I felt like my family wouldn't approve, so I stuck with them, sneaking shy smiles every time we passed individuals wearing rainbow. It meant so much to me then to know that I wasn't alone. That once I finished my degree, I could move to a bigger city, like Omaha, were I could be part of a larger community.
The next year, 6 months after graduation, I finally got to do just that. I packed up all my things and moved to Omaha where I attended my very first Pride festival. I've been attending every year since. While it may seem like just an excuse to party to some, please remember that for some young people struggling to come to terms with their sexuality, it means the world. Knowing you're not alone, that you can go on to live a happy life, that you won't have to hide forever, that's what Pride is about for me. For the first time ever, I'll be actually marching in Omaha's Pride parade this Saturday, and I can't wait!
Now, enough about me – on with the desktop designs!
Pride by Ashley
[download id="4055"][download id="4057"][download id="4059"][download id="4061"]

Pride by Dawn
[download id="4071"][download id="4073"]

And one extra desktop just for fun!
[download id="4081"][download id="4083"]
That's all for today. Thanks for celebrating Pride with us!

If you need some gear to wear to your local Pride festivities, be sure to grab a
Love Trumps Hate Pride Patch from our shop. We'd love to know what Pride means to you and how you plan to celebrate, so let us know in the comments :)

PS - We do this each month, and you can find all of our desktop wallpapers
here. If you have a fun idea for an upcoming month, don't be shy! Leave us a comment below.
Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic.