Last Minute Valentine - Free Printable Card Design

Last Minute Valentine • Free Printable • by AD Aesthetic Much of my adult life, prior to the past 3 years, was spent as a single lady. Because of that, Valentine's Day has always been a holiday I pretty much roll my eyes at and ignore. I eat the candy, of course (who wouldn't), but generally spend the holiday binge watching TV or drinking with my equally single friends. Now that my relationship status has changed, I'm finding Valentine's Day to be a sneaky little holiday that just suddenly appears. You guys, it's Tuesday! Lucky for me, my significant other doesn't care much for the holiday, in fact, one might say she has some disdain for it. However, that doesn't mean that I want to let it go completely ignored. Maybe I'm giving in to societal pressure, but I DO love her, so I feel like the least I can do is give her a card. As a designer, I'm fortunate enough to have the ability to quickly whip one up last minute and let my Valentine know how I feel. However, I recognize that not everyone has this skill, so today I'm spreading the love with all of you in the form of a FREE printable. Now you too can express your feelings on Valentine's day with this special card. Last Minute Valentine • Free Printable • by AD Aesthetic
Download your Printable:
[download id="3360"]

How to make your Last Minute Valentine

Start by gathering the following supplies:
Step 1
The file is set up to fit 2 cards on one sheet of 11" x 17" paper. This will give you an extra if you mess up OR just an extra card to spread the love. If you have a printer that can handle that size - awesome! If you don't, you can simply take this file to your local printer (FedEx/Kinko's or Office Depot) and have them print it out for you for a low cost. Last Minute Valentine • Score Your Card • AD Aesthetic
Step 2
Use your bone folder, or the dull side of a butter knife and a ruler to score the card along the pre-marked fold lines. Last Minute Valentine • AD Aesthetic
Step 3
Carefully cut along the exterior guideline. You can use scissors for this if you like. I prefer to use a ruler and an x-acto knife for a nice straight edge.
Last Minute Valentine • Fold In • AD Aesthetic
Step 4
Those lines you scored are going to come in handy now. Start by folding along the two inner most fold lines. You'll want to fold these in so you cover up the artwork. Last Minute Valentine • Fold Out • AD Aesthetic
Step 5
Now, folding out in the opposite direction, fold along the final two score lines. You should end up with a piece that says "[heart] you"
Step 6
To make everything sit extra flat and make sure my folds are nice and crisp, I like to take my bone folder (or dull edge of a butter knife) and press down while running it along all the folds. Your piece should look like this when finished. Last Minute Valentine • AD Aesthetic
Step 7
Write a little heartfelt note inside and give it to your valentine :) Last Minute Valentine • AD Aesthetic It's that easy! Enjoy your Valentine's Day and let us know how the card making goes! *Ashley's signature

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