Hey there lovely readers, it's Ashley here with a fresh new set of wallpaper designs! If you haven't caught on yet, each month, Dawn and I pick a theme at random in order to bring you two original designs for both your phone and computer. All you have to do is check back each month, click on the design you want to download and dress your tech to fit your mood or the season. It's that easy.
Dawn and I are both constantly switching up our desktops, so if you're anything like us, you'll want to check out our
library of previous designs too. As for today's freebies, the theme is Spring Fever!
[x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: Spring Fever[/x_custom_headline]
If you aren't from the Midwest, you should probably know that here, small talk always revolves around the weather. Our weather patterns tend to be seriously strange, which just makes it a subject worth talking about. In the same day it can go from a sunny 74 degrees one moment to wind, rain, hail and even snow the next. I mention all this because today I'm falling back on that particularly Midwestern topic of weather. You guys, we cannot move past winter! This year has been terrible with hardly any reprieves from the cold and snow. Even now, as we head into the Spring Equinox it's sleeting right outside my window. And, unfortunately, the rest of the week looks like a string of endless grey days and, you guessed it, more snow. I'm just not sure how much more of this I can take.
When deciding upon our theme for the month, Dawn and I threw out lots of crazy suggestions all of them boiling down to the same simple point, fuck winter. However, the pessimistic tone, did feel a bit like jinxing ourselves, so instead we each took a slightly more optimistic approach, by calling out to Spring to hurry up already. Surely that will work, right?!
Spring Fever by Ashley
[download id="5341"][download id="5343"]
Spring Fever by Dawn
[download id="5351"][download id="5353"]
What's helping you get through the last dregs of winter? Anything? Maybe Spring has already arrived where you are? If so, let us live vicariously through you and tell us how you're spending your sunny days. I'm just sitting here planning my summer vacations that cannot come soon enough.

PS. Don't forget to check back next month for a new design. While you wait, you can browse our library of wallpaper designs and other freebies
here. We do this each month, so if you have a fun idea for a future theme, be sure to leave a comment and let us know.
Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic.