Brick Ranch Curb Appeal Mockup
Hey there! Dawn here. I absolutely love doing Photoshop mockups for people, especially curb appeal ones. Sometimes just being able to visualize how a project will look when it's finished can give you the extra push you need to get started, or to make big decisions you've been vacillating over. You can see some of my previous mockups over at, where I contribute each month, and find out more about having a mockup of your own created by visiting our services page, if that's something you're interested in.
So when my friend, Stevie, emailed me several weeks ago asking for some ideas to step up the curb appeal of her home.... challenge accepted! Here is a bit of what Stevie wrote in her email:
We are doing some spiffying up around here and I'm losing sleep trying to decide what colors to go with. I was hoping you could give me a little guidance ... I feel like I have a lot going on here. I love my door, my soffits and gutters are dark brown and are also new. If you have some time, would you mind chiming in? I'd really appreciate it!!
Before we get started, here's my standard mockup disclaimer: While I can recommend ideas that I think look nice, I have never seen this house in real life and don’t have accurate measurements. I am also not an architect or landscaper and do not know the planting recommendations for your area- I just like to make things look nice. I can’t guarantee that any of the items I put in my ‘virtual’ design will actually work in real life (or that they’ll fit your design style for that matter), and this is not intended to be a professional design consultation. So think of this as a just-for-fun rendering that hopefully gets your wheels turning and provides some inspiration!
Now then, on to the fun stuff! When Stevie emailed me, she sent along a few photos of the front of her abode... and I chose one to play with:

I could see there was lots of potential here, and they'd already invested in some great upgrades to the house to improve the curb appeal. So really, it was just missing a few little extra pops to make it really shine.
Along with her email, Stevie sent me a link to a Pinterest board that she had started with inspiration images she liked. Here are a few of the images she had collected:
[caption id="attachment_1577" align="aligncenter" width="383"]

So with all that in mind, here's what I came up with to pull it all together:

Looking through the pinterest boards Stevie sent along with her photos, it seemed like all the windows were fairly beefy in the trim department. I think you could get a similar look by spray painting the storm windows black and if you wanted to take it even farther, painting the accent brick below the windows black also. (Anna has a great blog post about painting aluminum storm windows.) I couldn't see the garage in any of the photos she sent, but I think a dark brown or black door would be awesome. Something with windows.. even better!