FREE Desktop Downloads: Floral

Free Desktop Downloads from AD Aesthetic • Floral Hey there, Ashley here to bring you your FREE desktop downloads for April. Each month, Dawn and I pick a theme in order to bring you two original desktop wallpaper designs. You can download them and use them to dress up your phone and/or computer to fit your mood or the season. [x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: Floral[/x_custom_headline] We live in the Midwest, so when Spring arrives, we get excited! While we aren't exactly the "throw on a pair of shorts at the first sign of nice weather" types, we do LOVE when it finally starts to warm up! I've thrown open all the windows and have been slowly filling my house with plants and flowers (due to my black thumb, they likely won't last, but let's not talk about that today). Outside, trees are starting to bloom and slowly but surely colors are changing from brown to green. Everything is brightening up for Spring! In honor of everything being in bloom, we took our inspiration from nature and came up with a couple floral wallpapers for you. Enjoy!
Free Desktop Downloads from AD Aesthetic • Floral by Ashley
Floral by Ashley

[download id="3766"][download id="3764"]

Free Desktop Downloads from AD Aesthetic • Floral by Dawn
Floral by Dawn

[download id="3770"][download id="3768"]

It's always fun for us to see how different our designs can be. I just love how this one has both a light and fresh option as well as a dark and moody option. Choose the design that best fits your mood at the moment – then come back when you're attitude changes ;) If you enjoy switching out your desktop wallpaper as much as we do, there's plenty more to pick from. We do this each month, and you can find them all here. We're always looking for fun theme ideas to use in the upcoming months, so if you have a theme you'd like to see, be sure to let us know in the comments! *Ashley's signature PS- Are you following us yet? Click over to Instagram or Facebook for in-between-post updates and behind the scenes stuff. ;) Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic.

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