FREE Desktop Downloads: Thankful for...

Free Desktop Download • Thankful For • by AD Aesthetic Hey there, Ashley here with you FREE desktop designs for November! As a quick recap for those who are new, each month Dawn and I pick a theme in order to bring you two original desktop wallpaper designs. All you have to do is check in, click download, and dress up your computer and/or phone to fit the season. Sound awesome? If so, be sure to check out all of our previous designs here. Now, onto November's designs. [x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: Thankful for...[/x_custom_headline] I know it's pretty cliche to to talk about giving thanks during the month of November. Cliche or not, I'm a firm believer that we should constantly pause to reflect on all of the good in our lives, especially when it feels like the world is falling apart around us. With all of the terrible news lately, it is so easy to get sucked into a pit of negative energy. About a year ago, post election, this really started getting to me. My anxiety spiked, we're talking through the roof! Then, one day while browsing online, I ran across this great little journal that works to train your brain to focus on the positives (this is not an ad, I just genuinely love this journal). It's been a great experience for me. Now, I've found that even on the worst of days there is sure to be at least one thing to be thankful for. It doesn't have to be anything big, it can be the smallest thing. Something like how the bartender gave you an extra taster of their newest beer, or how you got an extra few moments of silence at the office that day. See, easy. You probably have a dozen moments like that to be thankful for today. With this perspective in mind, Dawn and I decided to embrace the Thanksgiving holiday by creating designs that focus on those little things that bring us joy. And, hopefully, you'll find some joy in them too.
Free Desktop Downloads from AD Aesthetic • Thankful by Ashley
Thankful for... by Ashley

[download id="4974"][download id="4967"]

Free Desktop Downloads from AD Aesthetic • Thankful by Dawn
 Thankful for... by Dawn

[download id="4978"][download id="4976"]

Well, that's what we're thankful for at the moment. What are the small things that have been keeping the smile on your face? Let us know in the comments. Be sure to check back next month for a new design. In the meantime, you can always browse our library of wallpapers here. As always, if you have any fun theme ideas for future months, be sure to let us know! *Ashley's signature   Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic. Save Save Save Save Save

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