Hey there, Ashley here with January's wallpaper designs!
Here's the deal for those who are new: each month, Dawn and I pick a theme in order to bring you two original wallpaper designs for your phone and computer. All you have to do is check in each month, click on the design you want to download, and deck out your tech to fit your mood or the season. Sounds awesome right?! If so, be sure to check out all of our previous wallpaper designs
Now, onto January's designs.
[x_custom_headline type="center" level="h6" looks_like="h6" accent="true"]This month's free desktop theme: The Future is Female[/x_custom_headline]
Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the
Woman's March, the largest single-day demonstration in American history. A day when women and allies all around the country took to the streets to protest Donald Trump and his agenda. Dawn and I both attended last year's march in Omaha, donning our
Nasty Woman shirts, of course. There we joined a sea of people who filled the streets of downtown Omaha with peaceful protest. It was an invigorating scene that filled us with hope at a time that felt so very, very dark.
[caption id="attachment_5239" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Here we are at last year's march with our tribe of women.[/caption]
So much has changed in that year, and while a lot of the news has seemed dire, there have been a few shinning rays of light. For one, we are finally having those extremely tough conversations surrounding sexual abuse and misconduct. More and more brave women (and men) are speaking out, telling their stories, and saying enough is enough. Women are demanding an end to systemic inequality and injustice in the workplace.
In addition, a record number of diverse women are running for office. It's a never before seen surge of women getting involved in politics for the first time, and fighting for the representation that we deserve within our government. Women are demanding change.
It is with this sea change in mind that Dawn and I have dedicated our first desktop wallpapers of 2018 to women — because the future
IS female — and we can't wait.
The Future is Female by Ashley
[download id="5234"][download id="5232"]

The Future is Female by Dawn
[download id="5230"][download id="5228"]
I mentioned before that tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the Women's March, and it's happening again. This time to demonstrate our numbers, to harness our collective energy into tangible strategies for wins in the 2018 election.
Dawn and I both plan to once again attend the Omaha march. For those of you who are local, we hope to see you there! There are events happening all across the nation tomorrow, to find a march in your area visit the Power to the Polls
events page.
Let's make 2018 the year of women!

PS. Don't forget to check back next month for a new design. While you wait, you can browse our library of wallpaper designs and other freebies
here. We do this each month, so if you have a fun idea for a future theme, let us know in the comments!
Please note: These original desktop designs are ©AD Aesthetic, LLC, and are intended for personal digital use only. Designs may not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes, or used in any other manner without written permission from AD Aesthetic.